Sunday, January 17, 2010
Busy Bee.
Hickory, dickory, dock!

Busy, busy, busy! Busy Bee! Sorry for the delay. I have been really busy the whole week. With so many oncoming projects and experiments, I demand a break! Weekend has been both AWESOME and SO NOT AWESOME.

AWESOME because I went kite flying yesterday! It was super duper uber fun! I supported zdor for his I&E event by purchasing his kites! I bought a bat design. And I flew it 18 stories high! Awesome-ness!

SO NOT AWESOME because I almost fainted today. I'm either suffering from low blood pressure or dehydration. Totally ruined my whole day. I felt my world was spinning the whole time, even right now at this moment as I'm blogging. Seriously annoying. And when I tried standing upright, my body would go swaying left to right. It felt like all my blood went to my feet and none went to my head. Sigh. I wish this was over. My mum told me I would take few days to recover from it. And in the meantime, I need to drink lots of water. If the situation worsens, I have to take iron pills. They're really cute, small and bloody red. Hahaha. My friend told me it tastes like blood. Ew. And the disadvantage is it causes constipation, according to the one my parents have. I shall search for those who has a special ingredient that prevents constipation- recommended by Fran.

Alright, I better turn in early. Don't wanna faint in school tomorrow. Embarrassing much. Goodnight!
