I feel blue.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm really such a boring person to hang out with. You can just feel it or from the way people react towards you explains it all. I hardly feel good about myself. I have always thought to myself, am I being a good friend to anybody out there? Or a good filial daughter to my parents? I can't help but feel self-centered sometimes. Like I only care about my personal feelings. Or perhaps I'm just over sensitive and thinking too much. Well that's my trait. I am forever self-reflecting and pessimistic. No wonder my blog's boring to read. There's not much content but the topic of the day always revolves around self-reflection or pessimistic thoughts. One living example is that right now, right at this moment, I am being pessimistic again. Forever. Seriously. *annoyed at myself*
YAWNS. Tired, sleepy and exhausted. Time to replenish red blood cells. Goodnight. :)